Fire Extinguishers
Maintenance - servicing, hydrostatic testing, recharging by trained personnel in a thorough manner. (Annual service)
Inspection - quick check to ensure operation. (Monthly)
The following procedures should be a part of the extinguisher inspection:
- Ensure proper location, identification, and accessibility
- Inspect discharge nozzle.
- Are operating instructions on nameplate legible?
- Make sure lock pins and tamper seals are in place.
- Determine if extinguisher is full of agent and/or pressurized by checking the pressure gage and weighing the extinguisher. A loss of more than 10 % weight should be replaced and serviced.
- Check inspection tag, hydrostatic date.
Hydrostatic testing:
Hydrostatic testing is performed to ensure safe operation of a pressure vessel - fire extinguisher.
Testing frequency
- 5 years - water types, APW, AFFF, carbon dioxide.
- 12 years - dry chemical extinguishers. (6 Year Maintenance)
Fire Extinguishers