- You can tell what type of fire it is by the smell of smoke 10 miles away.
- You have ever had a heated debate over the color of firetrucks.
- You have ever spent 10 min trying to force open a door only to have
someone come along and open it by turning the handle.
- You have ever taken 10 or more showers in 1 day.
- You lay out your cloths from that day so if there is a call at night you
can find them quickly.
- You take great joy in smashing the windows of a car parked in a fire zone
or in front of a hydrant.
- You have ever been airborne without an aircraft and water was your
- You always wear red suspenders.
- You have ever slept in a hosebed.
- You carry a ton of specially modified tools in your pocket.
- You ever cursed out someone for armor-alling the seats to make them look
- You've ever clung to the air horn chord for dear life because the driver
is insane.
- You have ever played jingle bells at Xmas time on the air horns to clear
- You double your weight every time you go on a job a building.
- You have ever said, "she's hot tonight" and not been talking
about a girl.
- You have ever had "yoda ears"
- You have ever called a person found after a fire a "crispy
- You have ever smoked and there wasn't a cigarette in sight.
- You have ever stomped out a fire with your boots because you couldn't
wait for water.
- You have ever walked 3 miles into the woods in 100 degree heat in full
turnout gear and a 5 gal or more water can strapped on your back just to put out a fire.
- your kids are afraid to get into water fights with you. (Barbara
- "climbing the corporate ladder" has nothing to do with
career advancement. (Barbara Manganis)
- your work gear makes you sound like Darth Vader. (Barbara Manganis)
- You roll around in anything that just burned to make your new gear look
- You take pride in the fact that you haven't washed your gear in years.
- You carry enough in your pockets to give the Swiss army knives
- You carry enough in your car to extinguish a minor blaze.
- You have ever juggled hot coals with your gloves.
- Your Own vehicle has more lights than a Christmas tree (Jim Baize)
- All the shirts you own say you are a firefighter (Mark Engman)
- You find yourself living at the fire department 365 days a year! (L.
- When you go to rent a movie, and they insist on getting Backdraft EVERY
TIME! (A Wife)
- You are caught on the back of a truck with your girlfriend or wife in the
middle of something and the page goes out for a call.
- if you have more pagers than than money in your wallet.
- if the smell of a fire excites you more than sex does.
- if a great stop has nothing do with a moving vehicle.
- if assembling a mile and a half of hose to catch fire in running up hill
is a good day.
- The microwave goes off and you run out of the house thinking it was your pager.
(Tom Matthews (Madison Valley Rual Fire Dept.) Ennis Mt.)
- you ever tried to patent a 911 blocker with the phone company
- if you can hear that the siren will go off even before your dog notices it.
- If you have ever woken up thinking your pager went off and as you look at it, it goes
- if you have ever tested your gloves by putting a fuzzie out on your hand. (Doug)
- If you have ever been awakened with a CO2 extinguisher (Doug)
- If you have ever dried your gloves on the trucks exhaust (Doug)
- You know you're a firefighter when you really think that rusty old hydrant looks good in
the garden. :)
- All your friends give you t-shirts from their departments for your birthday, Christmas,
anniversary, etc.
- if your wife voluntarily chooses the lumpy side of the bed to avoid being trampled in
route to a call! (tara sommers)
- your wife/girlfriend has learned to duck and cover when she hears the pager go off for
fear of being run down.(bubaz)
- if you had to extricate someone by cutting the car doors off on one side and realized
there was nothing wrong with the doors on the other side. (shea cooney.)
- If youhave more toy fire trucks than your kids do. (CHRIS CARRIER---CUBA FIRE DEPT.
- When you have ever made a jacuzzi out of a 2100 gallon dump tank and a rescue boat motor
(15 horse Merc). ..It was hot!.............Watch yer toes! (The guys at Liberty Fire)
- When you take all of your improtant stuff (like wallets and pagers) out of your pockets
before going to a training involving a portable tank.
- you walk into the station with you belt on and someone yells here comes batman(steve
- You eat till you're sleep, then sleep till you eat. (Frank V. Union Colony Fire, Greeley
- You can blame the 10 lbs that you've gained on the food cooked at the station. (Frank V.
Union Colony Fire, Greeley Co.)
- You take your other half out on a date to the fire house/hall.
- You spend more time on a holiday with you're fellow firefighter than you do with you're
family. (although its a good excuse to get out of going over to your inlaws house)
- You know you're a firefighter if you want to keep the fire truck at your house just so
that you can be the one to drive it! (Scotty Warren, Hall Summit Vol. Fire Dept.).
- you are a ff if you refer to yourself as Satan and the fire as your house
- if your house is on fire and you still respond to the station
- You talk about alcohol foams and you are not refering to the head of your beer.
- when you wish some Fragrance manufacturer would bottle the burnt smell after a fire and
used as a mens spray cologne.(Topper)
- Your idea of ventilation is done with a chainsaw and not a bag-valve-mask.
- You have ever dressed from head to foot in rubber and it was not a sexual experience.
- You run towards a dangerous situation instead of away
- if you ever said that real fire trucks/engines are RED DAMMIT!!!!
- you have a wreck with the fire chief on the way to the fire trying to beat him there
(North Bienville Paish Fire Dept)
- All of your calenders have every third day circled. (Capt. Ron)
- You've been called a nozzle hog. (Capt. Ron)
- If you collect fire helmets and hang them on your bedroom wall and so far
have one of each color. (wife of a Lt.)
- You respond to the fire station during a thunder storm - in case there's a fire
started by lightening. (JE, Echo Fire Dept., Echo, OR)
- You stay in town during the 4th of July - in case there's a fire started by fireworks.
(JE, Echo Fire Dept., Echo, OR)
- If you are running in the opposite direction of everyone else
- you refer to a room at 1300 F as "Toasty".
- you respond to sound better than Pavlov's Dog.
- the term "Hard Suction" doesn't make you chuckle
- when you are the mother of the bride and you tell everyone in the wedding party,
nobody moves when the pagers went off during the ceremony.(karen)
- you have more lights on your personal vehicle than your dept's trucks
- If nine out of the ten toys your child receives for Christmas are fire trucks
- If you play with the fire toys more than your child does.
- You know you're a firefighter if your idea of a water fight includes a 100ft. tower with dual monitors, and several shots of 2.5 inch lines
- If you wash your Fire Truck more than your personal vehicle. (Jesse SpringFD)
- If "humping hose" doesn't excite you.
- When you call ur friend in Maryland, you live in Nevada, and get jealous and turned on at the same time when he gets toned out
- you've ever felt like a ghost-buster while operating a water-vac
- you've ever stood on a street corner holding a bunker boot asking for donations
- you monitor other city's fire dispatch and miss a call for your own.
- you get excited over the color red and the smell of diesel
- Your idea of a good time involves soaking the new probies.
- if someone starts reciting movie lines from "Backdraft" at a fire.
